News & Events. Submission Details

We want your Ad submission process to run as smoothly as possible, and your Ad posting look as clear as possible. Here are a few things to keep in mind before submitting your Ad for posting consideration.

Can I post an Ad if I am not a member of the BET Mall?
You must be a member of the BET Mall to post an Ad. A Business ID is required to submit an Ad. Not a member yet? Click here.

How long will my Ad be posted on the Event’s webpage?
Ads are typically posted for a maximum duration of 30 days. Some ads may remain for longer periods of time if the expiration date is longer than 30 days, and or if the space is still available to you after the 30-day posting period has expired.

I have specific instructions regarding my Ad. How do I send it?
In addition to uploading a flyer or image, you can provide additional information such as how long you want your Ad posted, or if there is a limitation on the products being offered in the Ad. Provide this information in the space provided on the form marked “Start Typing…”.

Are there any restrictions when submitting my Ad for posting consideration?
Yes. We not only represent ourselves, we represent our members as well. Certain content will not be posted such as Ads or images that show harming others including children and animals. You may not submit content created in a manner that violates human rights, including but not limited to activities such as debt bondage, forced labor, child slavery, or other oppressive practices.

What are the guidelines for submitting my Ad for posting consideration?
These terms are to give you an idea of what is acceptable when submitting an Ad for posting consideration. Feel free to contact us if you have additional questions.

• Do not embed a watermark in you Ad.
• Do not include URL or Web Addresses directly on your Ad. We will provide a direct link to your Website once the visitor clicks it.
• Do not include a copyright notice on/in your Ad. You copyright is protected on this Site as well as it should be on your Site once the visitor arrives there, and last but not least,

• We reserve the right to remove any previously accepted content submission from the BET Mall Website at any time. You will be notified of the reason your listing is being removed. We reserve the right to reinstate any previously accepted content submission at any time for any reason.

• Misrepresentation of Ad offer/content is strictly prohibited. 

• Products or Services that are being offered in the Ad must also be reflected on the website where the product or service is being offered. Unrealistic or incorrect prices in an Ad will automatically be rejected or removed from this website.     

• Prices that are being offered in the Ad must also be reflected on the website where the product or service is being offered. Unrealistic or incorrect prices in an Ad will automatically be rejected or removed from this website.   

• Ad must lead to an actual website and not to a Social Media webpage.

• The BET Mall, in the exercise of its discretion, may refrain from posting any Ads that do not following our guidelines integrity and mission.

• The BET Mall has the right to refuse to accept or to remove Content from our Website for any reason. Black Entrepreneurs Trading or (BET Mall) will remove Content if we believe that such Content may subject the BET Mall or any of its Members to legal action or if the Content violates the TOS.

• REMEMBER: All electronic ads are considered camera ready.

• Violations of rules can result in BET Mall Member’s account getting blocked.

Will I be compensated from my Ads being posted on the BET Mall?
You grant the BET Mall a worldwide, non-exclusive right to use your business name, display name and Content in connection with the BET Mall’s marketing and promotional activities without the payment of any compensation to you.

What are the Minimum system requirements
You must have Javascript enabled in order to use the Uploader. If you don’t, you can submit your Ad via email here.
The Uploader works best with Firefox 1.1+, Internet Explorer 7.0+, Safari 1.0+, Google Chrome, or Opera.

I have a specific webpage I want my visitors to be directed to from my Ad.
If you have a special place on your website for your visitors to go to once they click your ad, include this link with your submission in the field “Start Typing“.

Submitting Your Ad for Posting:

1. Please do not use images found on the internet to display your products. Do not use stock images such as licensed or purchased to represent your product(s). Only use images of your actual products. For example, if you are selling flower arrangements, do not submit images that are not the actual flower arrangement you are advertising.

It is the responsibility of All BET Members to obtain the necessary permissions required to publish an image that is a part of an Ad. Before using random internet images, make sure you check the source of each image to see if you have public or private permission from the copyright holder to use the image.

2. Obscene or human images that do not display the product or service being offered are not allowed period!

3. The required resolution for image submission is at least 1200 by 800 pixels. Resolution for all bitmap images must be at an absolute minute of 166 ppi/dpi. Standard resolution is 200dpi.